Girkoaivi – October 2018
I remember this day so clearly. Again, a huge part of what I love about photography and even WHY I photograph, is that it ables me to freeze a moment in time and within that moment is not only the photograph, but also everything else tied up in that moment. The scents, how I felt, what I felt and even my thoughts in that moment. Its like the shutter button also works as a “save-as-button” for everything outside the actual photo.
So when I look at this photo my heart immediately beats faster. I remember being so thrilled and excited about reaching the top of the summit, since this is taken from the summit of the higher neighbouring peak. And a spectacular one might I add. I also had lots of feelings inside me that was bubbling and living its own life, so it was a very pumped and excited version of me that ended up taking this photo.
The photo itself was one of those moments of awe, where you are looking at a scene and suddenly something just opens up and reveals itself. For a brief moment the clouds lifted perfectly around the mountain Girkoaivi. This photo is all about timing. The lake in front of the peak is about to freeze and the fresh snow wasn’t here the day before. So to have the pure white landscape and that blue lake showcased like this, that only happens for a day or two every year. A minute after I took this the scene was gone and I couldn’t see the lake or the mountain.
Its one of those photographs that I cant ever replicate. Just like I cant replicate what I sensed and felt in that very moment. The true essence of photography to me.
Girkoaivi is part of the HEIME book. It can be ordered directly from here.
Here is a shot of me right beneath where I took this.

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