Over the last few years i have built up quite the collection of photo books. They are now filling up large spaces in my house and the collection keeps growing. Most of the books are fantastic works where you really can tell that the author has put a lot of love and effort into the process. There is nothing that beats the level of inspiration i get from sitting down with a glass of wine while looking through a great photobook. So without further introduction, here are 5 photobooks i got over the last year that everyone should have in their collection. Ive also taken crappy iphone shots of my favourite photo in each one. I will make more detailed presentations of these at a later point.

1. Rhythm of Nature by Sandra Bartocha
This one is a true treasure in my collection. Its probably the book with the most photos that left me speechless. Bartocha sees things like no one else. I can spend ages just looking at each photo. Dont think, just get it. Order it here.











2. Mitt Land by Trym Ivar Bergsmo
Trym Ivar Bergsmo is an incredible artist, the grand old man of landscape photographers here in the north. This epic book is filled with a fantastic mix of grand scenes and smaller scenes that makes your mid wander. Prder your copy here.













3. Where the World is Melting by Ragnar Axelsson
Ragnar Axelsson (RAX) is one of my all time favourites and i recommend having a look at all of his books. This latest one is a great start though, it has some of the best works from all of his previous releases. I can look at his incredible black and white work over and over. Order it here.














4. Beyond Landscape by Hans Strand
Hans Strand is a brilliant photographer with several books published through a career that spans decades. This book showcases some of his very best work and its a must in every photographers book shelf. Order it here.














5. Conversations with Nature by Eric Bennett
This one is a true beauty. Its filled with inspirational work from beginning to end. Its like a “best of” collection from all around the world, i was impressed for every page i turned! Order it here.